+211 982 261 389 info@childpactorganization.org
About Us


CHILD PACT ORGANIZATION (CPO) is a Sudanese registered national, voluntary, charitable, humanitarian and a non-governmental organization founded by Darfurian  youth and women volunteers who work in humanitarian and development domain. They felt their duties towards their community that suffered from the Darfur Conflict which erupted in February 2003. (CPO)  was established in 2013, and was officially registered with the humanitarian aid commission(HAC) as a local, non-governmental organization the following year (2014) to provide relief, advocate for promotion of human rights principles  Organization and registration is normally renewed after every year  according to performance of the organization.

Our Vision:

Children Dignity All Children need to live a liberated Life from World of Poverty and Injustice. We are united on the basis of humanity beliefs that all human beings have the right to quality of life and exercise of freedom that belongs to everyone because it is inseparable from his or her dignity as a human person”.

Our Mission Statement

To serve the most vulnerable children, families and communities including those affected by war, and to help support them through sustainable programs. To promote the rights of children and to make children world free of poverty, disease, stress and social evils through delivery of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation/development interventions and advocacy actions.

Leadership of CPO

Our Board of Directors and Board of Trusties

Child Pact Organization board of directors is the organization’s governing body, elected by the members at an annual general meeting. All members are responsible for gaining a basic understanding and initiating action in support of CPO’s mission, goals and programs. This includes assisting in expanding CPO – Sudan’s outreach and increasing its visibility and donor support. All board members are volunteers and serve without compensation.

Respective sectors of services

We Need Volunteer in Sudan

volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer volunteer

Welcome to partner with us

We are committed to helping affected darfurians  overcome oppression, realize their human worth and dignity and gain self-reliance. Our mission is to bring hope and to empower the conflict affected  people by providing access to quality basic services like education, healthcare and vocational training. We believe everyone should have a chance at a bright future, regardless of social standing.

Our Values and Accountability

CPO believes that citizens have a right to hold governments and institutions accountable, to expect them to respect their rights and do what they say they will do. Likewise, we believe that non-governmental organizations should be accountable to the communities in which they work, to partner organizations, and to those from whom they receive support.

Community Empowerment and Commitment

Donors and Partners

Strategic Plan for period of 2015to 2020. This plan has been developed in consultation with a variety of stakeholders including the Board of Directors and the entire staffs of CPO.
